
How to Create an Effective Campaign Proposition

Far from being a shiny but hollow tagline, we believe that a campaign proposition should spring from, and contribute to, your broader organisational identity and goals. 

Don’t get us wrong, we’re as tickled by the perfect pun or irresistible imagery as the next creative agency, but for us a campaign proposition needs to have impact, add meaning and deliver value in the long run, not just for a season. 


INSIGHT: Campaign Propositions Should Be Non-Transferable

Every charity is unique, and your proposition for any campaign shouldn’t just excite the audience about what you’re doing, it should inspire them to understand why you’re the right people to be doing it. Your unique position and core values should form the foundation of your campaign proposition, reinforcing your credibility and making donors feel confident in choosing to respond and support your campaign.

The very best campaign proposition will only work for you. That’s why we look for strengths only you can claim and approaches only you would take, then build from there. More than that, our tailor-made propositions are made specifically about you and for you.  


Empower your team

We take into consideration exactly who we’re working with and what you really need from us. We design our approach around your team’s structure, capacity and guiding principles. At its core, a campaign proposition needs to serve you and equip your team to deliver communications effectively and successfully.


IMAGINATION: Campaign Propositions Should Also Be Transferable

A campaign proposition should work only, or at least most powerfully, for you. But it should also work for every channel, platform and audience segment you have. 

Our campaign propositions are crafted to ensure they can inspire powerful content about only you, for all supporters, in every way. They’re specific in grounding, never in execution. 

ImaginationDiversify to deliver

We bring together strategic, written and visual creatives to offer you assets of all varieties, including video and written content. This diverse range allows you to select the most effective assets for whoever your audience are, wherever they engage. 



IMPACT: Campaign Propositions should Captivate and Convert 

The success of any campaign isn’t just determined by your proposition and creative assets. However effective these are, they won’t secure supporters or pledges unless the right people see them. 

That’s why we develop creative assets which communicate your campaign proposition to specific audiences, and then deliver bespoke targeting sets for your content, which get your campaign in front of the people it was designed to convert. 


Harness precision 

Our expert team creates customised targeting sets that ensure your campaign content is seen by individuals who resonate with your cause, generating higher engagement and conversion rates. 


All of our campaign propositions are built with specificity. Specific to your ask, your audience, your organisation, and your comms methods. 

The creative of our campaign propositions is obviously shiny. But by adding this much specificity, we ensure the results shine just as brightly. 



We were delighted to create a leaflet which captured the spirit of Paul’s, the value of leaving a gift in a Will, and a powerful story about the legacy which sits at the heart of this extraordinary charity.